Notes on delayering chips
This is a note for reference if someone wants to recreate or optimize it. This is just a note and not a guide. it involves a lot of chemicals and they are dangerous. so experiment carfully.
For this one i am using the old Intel pentium processor. delidding in this case is simple and can be found here. ![Watch the video for delidding ]
i use this glass ethcing cream for delayering and it works
Before you do the delayering, silicon chip has a brownish layer and they are resistant to chemicals. i use a blowtorch to burn them away. it is a slow process. I use a bbq torch, so apply heat with distance to uniformly heat the die. Slowly your die will turn into silver with the top layer removed.
My ratio is 2:1 of the water+paste and dropping the die and leaving it for almost 3hr. I start checking right after 2.5hr to see if something bad happened.
These result might vary based on the metal layer and the size of the chip, so check the chip once in a while to see if something happens.
Note: NEVER HEAT THE CHIP AFTER CHEMICAL TREATMENT. It causes discoluration and breaks all the masks.
Here are some sample images.
Will add more as i learn more.